Sitemap - 2022 - Christine’s Newsletter Adventure

A holiday reminder

Mario kart or fart toys?

Why are you so mean to yourself?

They're gonna hate me for sharing this with you

My "overnight success" is a lie

My most embarrassing newsletter story

Cheers to 1 year of newsletter adventures 💙

2 broke girls taught me how to build in public

copywriting results?

chicken nuggets

my 16lb dog scared 2 burglars away

Learning how to tie my shoes at 26

Let's talk about the M word

I've been lying to you

what am I doing?

why do you hate money?

Big news

Important message

World renown sport scientist sends me a referral

What if you said yes to the opportunity...

Spreading cheer with million dollar bills

Turtles breathe through their 🍑

Why do I write to you?


Launching July 8th

Turning 26 and "failing"

"Christine, what the flippers are you making?"

Becoming an everyday athlete

Confession from a course buying addict

Rise and revitalize

This doesn't happen often

Time for some change...

Digging for treasure on WOW island

I can't believe YOU flipping did this...

Sharing my Ship 30 story on a podcast

5 takeaways from finishing a $9000 copywriting mentorship

Life is not a snapshot. It's a motion picture.

Changing careers but keeping the passion 🔥

I wrote a 9-page sales letter in 1.5 hours

2022 Build in Public: Q1 Review

Personal Brand = A + B

Sharing my copywriting grandfather's $250 million wisdom with you

From military strict to flexible planning

How often do you practice gratitude?

How did you earn your first dollar online?

Christine 2016 Would Be Jealous

Class is back in session

Feature Friends Friday

Let's talk about the F word

Ship Ship Ahoy

What's your 60-30-10 plan for 2022?

I wrote a drunk email and landed a writing job...