Sharing my Ship 30 story on a podcast
A couple of weeks ago, one of my friends, Ev Chapman nominated me to guest speak on The Shippers Podcast.
A podcast where alumni from the Ship 30 for 30 cohort based writing course share their insights from the course.
Thanks to Ev, I was able to share my story about my journey through Ship 30 and building my personal brand. In the 20 minute podcast, we chatted about:
How writing a drunk email resulted in my career change from strength coach to copywriter (And this was while finishing my master's and having the opportunity to apply for my dream job)
Not being a gifted writer in school shouldn't stop you from wanting to become a writer (I share how I failed my Grade 12 English final 3x to being a copywriter)
How I went from a shy 13-year-old girl scared of her own shadow to a world champion powerlifter and strength coach (Plus the life lessons and analogies I learned from this life transformation)
My amazing experience with Ship 30 and building amazing friendships like the Copy Avengers (And I share writing tips and tricks I learned from Ship 30 that help me with copywriting)
What advice I would give to someone who is joining Ship 30 for the first time and what I wish I knew after doing two cohorts of Ship 30.
And a few other Ship 30 topics like who SHOULDN'T join Ship 30.
Click below to listen 🤩