My "overnight success" is a lie
I want to be 113% transparent with you.
This week on Twitter, I shared how my mentor, Mike Cardona helped me land multiple leads to the point where my freelance business is making more than my main job as a copywriter.
While people were hoping to hear the hidden secrets to how Mike helped me get clients, he shared a fascinating insight:
"This has been one year's worth of hard work, all done by Christine.
Sure, I nudged and guided her.
But, if it wasn't for her consistently staying active and building relationships with people on Twitter, no amount of my help would've mattered.
This whole thing is about relationships.
You don't need to be an expert or a niche to start. Just help the person you were 12 months ago."
For several months, I had zero leads. I questioned if I wasted a few grand to become an email list manager.
But I guess the chicken nugget lords of the universe had other plans for me and my business, as it's been one helluva busy month with clients.
But remember, this took me months of being active on Twitter to finally find what works for me.
So friends, I have two nuggets to share today:
1) Don't give up.
You never know how close you are to success.
2) Don't compare yourself to others and their "overnight success".
You don't know what it took to get them there.
Have a chicken nugget and stay flipping jolly,