Can I be honest with you?
I'm insecure about my copywriting abilities.
After almost two years of being a full-time (copy)writer for a marketing company, I have almost zero proof to show you how much revenue I've generated with the copy I've written for our clients.
The truth is, the company I work for doesn't always track the metrics for clients...
But after talking to friends, they reminded me that "results" and credibility isn't just "revenue".
Through the help of my copy mentors and their feedback, I've written over:
426 Emails
625 Instagram & Linkedin Posts
13 Linkedin Profiles
With over 95.5% satisfaction from clients without needing a round of revisions.
But you wanna know the result that I'm most proud of?
I've written copy that has led to building relationships.
Here's one testimonial:
You're awesome, wonderful, and a huge help. The content you've been creating for [company] has contributed to them building relationships with people from Nike, Adidas, and Zara.
So what am I getting at?
There's a bunch of ways to show proof of results and not just one metric like revenue.
Building in Public: Mentorship with Mike Cardona
This week I’ve been all over the place with asking Mike questions. Like over analyzing how to structure my Email Service Provider audit to my sales funnel.
But after talking to Mike, he reminded me the importance of knowing my ideal customer and to take a step back from making my products and services perfect.
To do this, we’re gonna ramp up the email marketing content I’m sharing on Twitter. This will allow us to collect more data points and see what topics that people are engaging with.
For example, one of the more engaging tweets this week was this one.
My Favourite Resource This Week
My good friend, Jannis and I are teaming up to create a one page website via premium Carrd template for service providers like freelancers, coaches, consultants. This will be much easier than buying an expensive website subscription and creating a lengthy sales page.
He’ll be using me as a case study to create a website to get potential clients to book a discovery call.
Check out Jannis’ build in public thread progress below.
Have a chicken nugget and stay flipping jolly,
“There’s more than one way of showing proof of results” - YES. 👏🏻 I worked for a client who didn’t really track metrics as well, but the posts really made people stop and think about the cause we were standing for, and actually respond!! That’s what mattered. 🤍
Great reflection on your copywriting results! I've been there and regret not collecting testimonials during my freelancing journey. But know what? The skills you show through your writing (even this newsletter) and how you do things are what matters. Keep it going, Christine 🔥